提交 dad85b7e 编写于 作者: Michael Suo's avatar Michael Suo 提交者: Facebook Github Bot

clang-format by line (#21531)

Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/21531
ghimport-source-id: 711867e19cc3948a5e2a6aa8c4f2cd631abb04d2

Reviewed By: zdevito

Differential Revision: D15719260

Pulled By: suo

fbshipit-source-id: e88c5d3e14e6ecc956ce30ab0246ed606f4b0a38
上级 fa0c5c31
......@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ import re
CLANG_FORMAT_WHITELIST = ["torch/csrc/jit/", "test/cpp/jit/"]
CPP_FILE_REGEX = re.compile("^.*\\.(h|cpp|cc|c|hpp)$")
CPP_FILE_REGEX = re.compile(".*\\.(h|cpp|cc|c|hpp)$")
# @@ -start,count +start,count @@
CHUNK_PATTERN = r"^@@\s+-\d+(?:,\d+)?\s+\+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?\s+@@"
def parse_args():
......@@ -80,25 +83,45 @@ def get_changed_files(rev):
return set(changed_files)
def get_diffs(files):
def get_changed_lines(filename, revision):
Run clang-format on all `files` and report if it changed anything.
Returns a mapping of filename => diff generator
Given a filename and revision diff, return all the changed lines noted in the diff
Returns a list of (start_line, end_line) tuples.
name_to_diffs = {}
for f in files:
formatted_text = subprocess.check_output(["clang-format", f]).decode()
with open(f) as orig:
orig_text = orig.read()
if formatted_text != orig_text:
orig_lines = orig_text.split("\n")
formatted_lines = formatted_text.split("\n")
diff = difflib.unified_diff(
orig_lines, formatted_lines, "original", "formatted"
name_to_diffs[f] = diff
return name_to_diffs
command = ["git", "diff-index", "--unified=0", revision, filename]
output = subprocess.check_output(command).decode()
changed_lines = []
for chunk in re.finditer(CHUNK_PATTERN, output, re.MULTILINE):
start = int(chunk.group(1))
count = int(chunk.group(2) or 1)
changed_lines.append((start, start + count))
return changed_lines
def run_clang_format(filename, lines, in_place):
args = ["clang-format", filename]
line_args = ["-lines={}:{}".format(i[0], i[1]) for i in lines]
if in_place:
return subprocess.check_output(args).decode()
def get_clang_format_diff(filename, lines):
Return a diff of the changes that running clang-format would make (or None).
formatted_text = run_clang_format(filename, lines, in_place=False)
with open(filename) as orig:
orig_text = orig.read()
if formatted_text != orig_text:
orig_lines = orig_text.split("\n")
formatted_lines = formatted_text.split("\n")
return difflib.unified_diff(
orig_lines, formatted_lines, "original", "formatted"
def main():
......@@ -117,27 +140,39 @@ def main():
for f in files_to_check:
name_to_diffs = get_diffs(files_to_check)
name_to_lines = {}
for f in files_to_check:
changed_lines = get_changed_lines(f, args.diff)
if len(changed_lines) != 0:
name_to_lines[f] = changed_lines
if len(name_to_diffs) == 0:
if len(name_to_lines) == 0:
name_to_diff = {}
for filename, lines in name_to_lines.items():
diff = get_clang_format_diff(filename, lines)
if diff is not None:
name_to_diff[filename] = diff
if args.accept_changes:
# run clang-format on the necessary files
args = ["clang-format", "-i"]
for name, lines in name_to_lines.items():
run_clang_format(name, lines, in_place=True)
# add the changes so they will be committed
args = ["git", "add"]
if len(name_to_diff) == 0:
print("ERROR: Running clang-format created changes: ")
for name, diff in name_to_diffs.items():
print("In ", name)
for line in diff:
for name, diff in name_to_diff.items():
print("In " + name)
for l in diff:
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