• Gregory Chanan's avatar
    Add simple scripts for checking if generated code changed. (#12835) · 25f4b3ef
    Gregory Chanan 提交于
    This is designed to make it easier to see how your codegen changes affected actual generated code.
    A) This is NOT robust; if new directories are added that include generated files, they need to be added to tools/generated_dirs.txt.  Note that subdirectories of the list are not included.
    B) This is particular to my workflow which I don't claim is generally applicable.  Ideally we would have a script that pumped out a diff that could be attached to PRs.
    C) Only works on OSS and definitely won't work on windows.
    How to use:
    1) python setup.py ...
    2) tools/git_add_generated_dirs
    3) Edit codegen
    4) python setup.py ...
    4) git diff to see changes
    5) If satisfied: tools/git_reset_generated_dirs, commit, etc.
       If not satisfied: Go to 3)
    Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/12835
    Reviewed By: ezyang
    Differential Revision: D10452255
    Pulled By: gchanan
    fbshipit-source-id: 294fc74d41d1b840c7a26d20e05efd0aff154635
git_add_generated_dirs.sh 353 字节