提交 18a6c8d8 编写于 作者: Tim's avatar Tim

minor extension of the executive summary.

上级 9a1e9c98
The OpenLABEL Standard Development Project will develop a standard based on the concept paper of the OpenLABEL Concept. This standard will include topics on labeling methodology, labeling structure, file format. The OpenLABEL standard project will be closely coupled with the ontology project, as the object descriptions will be delivered by the ontology project. The OpenLABEL Standard will be developed using the OpenXOntology Core Domain model. The OpenLABEL Standard will be accompanied by a user guide.
The OpenLABEL Standard Development Project will develop a standard based on the concept paper of the OpenLABEL Concept. This standard will include object labeling topics on labeling methodology, labeling structure and file format. The OpenLABEL standard project will be closely coupled with the ontology project, as the object descriptions will be delivered by the ontology project. The OpenLABEL Standard will be developed using the OpenXOntology Core Domain model. The OpenLABEL Standard will be accompanied by a user guide.
Next to the Object labeling the OpenLABEL project will also cover the scenario labeling, in this case the coupling will be with the ontology project and the upcoming OpenSCENARIO project.
Next to the object labeling the OpenLABEL project will also cover the scenario labeling, in this case the coupling will be with the ontology project and the upcoming OpenSCENARIO project.
In the end the standard and the user guide will cover:
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